Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First hop redundancy

HSRP  (Hot Standby Router Protocol), Standby hot swappable because one of the routers (or Layer 3 Sw)
is in standby mode till it is needed. Is Cisco proprietary. Has two types, Active which forward traffic, and Standby which is monitoring periodic hello for the Active.
HSRP Allows two or more layer 3 interfaces to act as the default gateway for a lan, one as active an the others in standby mode. The routers share a logical ip address and MAC the MAC is 0000.0c07.acxx, xx = the group ID
The routers send hellos to each other on every 3sec by default and if 3 in a row are miss the router in standby takes over. If the original router comes back up, it doesn't re-assume the active roll by default, BUT can be configured to do so, and to do so after a set amount of time in order to give it time to fully boot and learn any routes ect. A router can all as lose the active roll if one of it tracked interface go down which will lower it's priority by 10 (by default),

To configure HSRP
Int Vlan 3
ip add snm.snm.snm.snm
no shut
  Standby 1 name Is_optional
  Standby 1 priority 110 (default is 100)
  Standby 1 track int gx/x -20 (-10 is default)
  Standby 1 prempt delay (min) reload (min) (immediately is the default)
  Standby 1 Authentication  WORD (clear text)
                  Auth md5 key-string WORD (Key string) (max 64 chars)
                  Auth md5 key-chain  Word (name of the key-chain)

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